UPDATED: December 21st, 2023. Due to Dishonest Business Practices, I No Longer Recommend Xtend-Life’s Products or The Company.
Welcome to this review of the Xtend-Life Lipi-Rite anti cholesterol supplements product. First, for clarity, Lipi-Rite used to be known as “Cholest-Natural” but Xtend-Life re-named it. Nothing else has been changed with the product. It’s still a well received health and fitness supplement.
Who should be interested in this product? If you are frustrated by pharmaceutical statin drugs and yet there is an ongoing need to lower one’s cholesterol, well, this product may be for you.
The Xtend-Life’s Lipi-Rite creation is a non-drug, side-effect free natural alternative to statin drugs. As you may know, the side effects of such statin drugs are very notorious and well known. Due to these noxious side effects, the Lipi-Rite product (and others like it) are growing in popularity as they’re markedly cheaper than statin drugs.
Plus, they work well. Regarding the side effects of various pharmaceutical drugs like statins, Xtend-Life, a New Zealand based company, says there aren’t any side effects at all with their product.
With this short product review, I want to discuss the main features of this product including corresponding and documented clinical and scientific research of the Lipi-Rite product. I’ll also discuss the manufacturing protocols that are used to make this anti cholesterol supplement product. I’ll also discuss the quality certification of its raw nutrients or ingredients as well as customer reviews, product guarantee, its cost and where you can get it.
Specifics About Anti Cholesterol Supplements & Lipi-Rite
In their marketing material, manufacturer Xtend-Life says Lipi-Rite, like all of their various supplement and skincare products, have been crafted in accordance with the latest clinical research using rigorous pharmaceutical grade manufacturing processes.
By all appearances, this seems to be accurate.
All of their products were organized and crafted by the now-retired Prof. Dr. A. Munem Daoud PhD., MSc., ND. Daoud is a well respected, traditionally trained biochemist but is also a naturopathic doctor. He led the research group that has overseen all of Xtend-Life’s products, including, of course, Lipi-Rite.
As mentioned, all of the company’s products are created in their wholly owned pharmaceutical-grade quality, cGMP-compliant facilities. That’s pretty rare for a “supplement company.”
It’s understandable why most companies opt for, at best, NSF GMP for Sport certification versus GMP certification as it’s too expensive for companies to meet those standards.
What does “cGMP-compliant” mean? The cGMP is an acronym for “current Good Manufacturing Practices” (you’ll see it represented as “GMP” as well as cGMP). What it is is a certain core set of standards, practices, employee training and systems that are mandated to be utilized with pharmaceutical drug manufacturing.
GMP certification covers the whole gambit of raw nutrient testing, which Xtend-Life does with independent tests, quality control standards, purity tests, and quality control with the construction and encapsulation procedures. From beginning to end, GMP-compliant facilities must meet these stringent protocols on an ongoing basis as it’s not a one-time thing.
The end result to the consumer is a very high-quality and pristine product.
With the Lipi-Rite product, you get a natural, side-effect free cholesterol lowering product that literally meets pharmaceutical grade. Plus, there is another element here that is worth mentioning. In New Zealand where Xtend-Life is based, their government’s Ministry of Health oversees all supplement creation. In the US, the FDA doesn’t do that although they exert their control in other ways (there are pluses and minuses to this, of course).
At the end of the day, Xtend-Life’s products actually exceed the U.S. FDA’s standards and meet with some processes, like the herbal extraction procedures, superior standards of British Pharmacopoeia mandates. So, when you see the GMP standard at a website, you can be assured you are getting a very high-quality supplement.
Anti Cholesterol Supplements & Lipi-Rite Product Ingredients
Xtend-Life says that the ingredients in Lipi-Rite have been carefully crafted and combined in the optimal molecularly synergistic manner for optimal assimilation. Basically what that means is that they say where it counts, at the molecular level, the nutrients work very well together for optimal utilization by your body.
Let’s briefly talk about just what you are getting in the bottle.
Within each Lipi-Rite bottle you’ll find softgels. Each softgel has 13 ingredients in it. The key ingredients are:
Beta-sitosterol — This nutrient helps to prevent the absorption of bad LDL cholesterol into the intestines
Inositol Hexaphosphate — This is very beneficial and helpful with conditions that are associated with disorders of fat transport, high cholesterol, metabolism, and high amounts of triglycerides and other key functions
Policosanol — This is not commonly known but is powerful. Policosanol is a sugar-cane extract that is clinically proven to break down LDL cholesterol in the blood, so it has rubefacient qualities
Theaflavin Extract — This is a very potent nutrient that may help lower LDL cholesterol while increasing the good HDL cholesterol in your blood
What Are The Benefits of Lipi-Rite and These Anti Cholesterol Supplements?
Xtend-Life Lipi-Rite claims to do the following:
Lowers the level of your LDL — the bad cholesterol, which contributes to heart disease including heart attacks, strokes, etc.
Increases the levels of your HDL — the good cholesterol
Lowers the level of triglycerides
Reduces the production and oxidation of cholesterol in your blood
Decreases cholesterol absorption in the intestinal tract and your liver
Lowers your risk to strokes and heart disease
Essentially Lipi-Rite is a supplement product that functions as an all-natural statin drug alternative for those 1) want to mitigate heart disease risk factors, and, 2) helps to lower high cholesterol.
Xtend-Life claims that Lipi-Rite addresses all six prime factors to lower cholesterol naturally without side effects and exorbitant pharmaceutical drug costs. It is classified as anti cholesterol supplements along with the other heart health product Cardio-Support (Cardio-Klenz is the former name but was changed to Cardio-Support).
What Comes In The Bottle?
Each bottle comes with 60 softgels, which is essentially a month’s supply if you use it according to the company’s directions. Each bottle is wrapped carefully and with the typical dessicant and white cotton ball inside to dry out any lingering moisture and to secure it respectively.
How Much Should You Expect to Pay?
As of today’s date, December 21st, 2023, Lipi-Rite’s price is $34.95 USD per bottle. Xtend-Life sells it directly to the customer.
Is There a Product Guarantee?
Yes, there is. All of Xtend-Life’s supplement products come with a full one-year, money-back guarantee. If you are unhappy in anyway, Xtend-Life will refund your money or give you aproduct replacement. They give you that choice.
Consumer Reviews
The Lipi-Rite product is probably one of the most well-received products of the entire Xtend-Life line. They have over six pages of testimonials for it. Here are a few of them:
My wife purchased your cholesterol product about a month ago. Here are the results. She started on October 28th, taking two caps a day as directed. The last day was November 27th. She maintained a “healthy” type of diet, although she did enjoy some ice cream, red meat and other “bad things” a couple of times a week. A generally good diet though. She was in class and had virtually NO exercise for the three weeks or so that she was taking your pills.
- Total Cholesterol…..249
- LDL…..174
- HDL…..54
- Tryglercides…..103
- Albumin…..5.1
- Total Cholesterol…..204
- LDL…..127
- HDL…..57
- Tryglercides…..101
- Albumin…..4.3
She is pleased with the results so far!! We have ordered two more bottles and, yes, I will definitely tell my friends.
Robert M, USA
Along with your Cardio-Support product, cayenne pepper, and a heart healthy diet, I’ve substantially improved my blood pressure and cholesterol count. I’ve noticed I also have more endurance with my aerobic workout and 4-mile runs. Anti cholesterol supplements are now more important than ever and I’m glad I found your heart health supplement product line. Thank you for the rigorous standards with which you make it.
Jed S., Idaho, USA
You can read more reviews for Lipi-Rite on Xtend-Life’s own website here.
Are There Any Customer Complaints or Product Negatives?
Their Xtend-Life Lipi-Rite product is actually cheaper than competitor Cholestasys, but still some people complain about the price as they do with all of Xtend-Life’s company. (Cholestasys is almost four times more expensive than Lipi-Rite.) Cholestasys is popular and sells well. It’s a prime, well known anti cholesterol supplement product.
It should also be known that Lipi-Rite has some ingredients in it that are derived from soy. If you have a soy allergy, or sensitivity to it, you should talk to your doctor first before supplementing with it.
Also, the Lipi-Rite supplement does not have any peanut, dairy, gluten, or shellfish byproducts in it. See above for the detailed ingredient list.
I Need More Information About These Anti Cholesterol Supplements
If you want to learn more about the Lipi-Rite anti-cholesterol supplement, go here.
Where Can I Buy Lipi-Rite?
You can buy it here, but you are free to choose. What about shipping and handling? If your product purchase equals $60 United States Dollar (USD) or more, the shipping is free. Typically, it takes about three to four to seven days to get the product although occasionally it can take two weeks (this happened to me with one order about six months ago from this writing).
If your order doesn’t meet the $60 USD they will charge a flat shipping fee of $6.50 USD. This fee is applicable for any product shipment no matter where in the world you live. Overall, it’s a great deal either way, it seems.
That said…I don’t recommend this product or the Xtend-Life company.
The Xtend-Life Lipi-Rite product has been made with superb quality. However, the company engages in dishonest business practices and is untrustworthy.
I hope this review about Xend-Life Lipi-Rite has been useful to you.