Welcome to this review of the MaleExtra the all-natural male enlargement pills. Let’s be honest, sex is very important to men. Men want stamina, large size, and strong erections. Perhaps one of those problems is something you struggle with. You want stamina, size and strong erections, but you are leery of drugs like Viagra and Cialis due to their reported side effects — like a loss of hearing.
What if you could get the benefits of Viagra without the cost and the side effects? MaleExtra has positioned itself as a male enhancement solution that provides all the benefits without the side effects. Is it true? Does this product actually work? That’s what this review is all about. (To see other health and fitness supplement reviews, go here.)
Features & Benefits of MaleExtra
Quality and purity of ingredients is something that is important to any supplement and certainly with a male enhancement product. The manufacturer of Male Extra says that they offer a 100% natural ingredient guarantee. They also say:
Through our research at Nauka University & Research Centre, we have concluded that Male Extra™ uses safe herbal ingredients that are proven to increase nitric oxide levels resulting in more blood flow to the penis.
Nauka University & Research Centre
A problem with that is that I couldn’t find much information on Nauka University. They didn’t leave a source website or research report, just the quote.
Continuing, what are the “core competencies” or chief advertising claims or benefits that this product promises? They are:
- The company that makes it says if one takes the recommended dosage every day, one will in a 3 to 6 month period have an additional 0.8 – 2.6 inches in length.
- It gives “sweeter” and more intense orgasms
- It gives greater stamina
- A separate reviewer says this product has an 84% success ratio, which is outstanding
Undoubtedly, every male wants to see and feel that, but how is it possible? The combination of unique ingredients is how, the manufacturer says, they are able to produce that 84%+ success level. They further say that their formula is, “the most potent male enhancement formula on the market today.” They make this claim due to the purity of the ingredients, which ingredients are:
- MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) (100mg)
- L-Arginine (600mg)
- Creatine
- Cordyceps (25mg)
- Niacin
- Pomegranate-derived ellagic acid (500mg)
- Zinc
What makes this formula work well, its manufacturers say, is the unique blend of the preceding ingredients. They work in concert to improve blood flow to ensure hardness, strengthen weakened cells and to fuel the relevant cells with the core nutrition they need.
For example, L-Arginine іѕ an еѕѕеntіаl amino асіd that рrоduсеѕ nіtrіс oxide аѕ it is breaking dоwn. Nіtrіс оxіdе, in turn, is able to produce a strong erection by dilating thе blооd vеѕѕеlѕ tо your penile erectile tіѕѕuе. Also, most males don’t enough zinc in their diet, which contributes to sperm health. Creatine, niacin, and cordyceps all work together to provide the muscles energy fuel, which contributes to stamina and strength of erection.
The one ingredient the manufacturers tout with their sales copy is ellagic acid. When combined with L-Arginine it forms a potent elixir that enhances hardness, pleasure and stamina — the three Holy Grail in male performance pills.
Lastly, this product is easy to use as it’s available in pill form only at this time and probably from this point forward.
Side Effects of MaleExtra
Currently, there are no reported side effects of this product. It is made up of ingredients that many external studies and usage have certified as safe. Nevertheless, if you have any qualms about testing out a male performance product, consult first with your doctor. Incidentally, none of the ingredients are allergens either.
What’s The Price?
- One month supply — $64.95
- Two month supply — $129.90
- Buy 3, get 1 free — $197.95
- Buy 4, get 2 free — $249.90
MaleExtra Guarantee
The manufacturers of this product offer a full 60-day money-back product guarantee. If you are not happy with it, or if it doesn’t work for you, send the unused portion back and get your money back. The maker of this product wants you to test it out to see if it works without any cost, which is fair.
Customer Male Extra Reviews
- Buying a male enlargement supplement online preserves your privacy
- Contains 500mg оf pоmеgrаnаtе 40% еllаgіс асіd per ѕеrvіng
- Unlike Viagra, it doesn’t diminish your hearing
- Vasodilating ingredients for strong erections
- Natural testosterone boosting botanicals
- Increased libido and stamina boosting ingredients
- Clinical tested ingredients
- 60-day product guarantee
- May help to enjoy more pleasurable orgasms
- Brand new formula for men
- Couldn’t find much information on Nauka University Research Centre. Best I could ascertain is that they are a London, England university
- Website ordering could be a lot faster
- Not a lot of research information on their site (this is typical of most male performance products)
Yes, when you buy, you get a free bonus. When you purchase this male enhancement product, the company provides you a frее bоnuѕ gift of Pеrfоrmеr 5 with each order, which is nice.
Where Can I Buy MaleExtra?
You can buy it here, but you are free to choose. So, what’s the verdict? An independent study found this product worked 84% of the time. Coupled with good diet, good vitamin supplementation, that percentage could probably be increased significantly. This is a new product in this space but it’s gaining steam and appears to work. It should be noted that the Male Extra product is a food supplement and as such isn’t a replacement for a healthy diet and lifestyle. That said, this product is worthy of your consideration. I hope this review of MaleExtra has been helpful for you.